
The lessons are led by Bruno Zambelli, born 69. He has been involved with martial arts since 1986, started with Karate at the age of 17 and by chance came across Wing Tsun (WT), the Ving Tsun interpretation by Leung Ting and its German representatives Keith Kernspecht and his EWTO, which immediately fascinated him at the time and which he began studying at the end of 1992.
Through his work abroad as an engineer, he also had the opportunity to learn from various masters in different countries. After his return to Switzerland in 2000, however, he had doubts about the WT teaching system. In addition to Wing Tsun, he now also devoted himself to other martial arts and sometimes trained them very intensively.
In 2009 he came across traditional Ving Tsun with his current teacher Gery Cahenzli: Ving Tsun as taught by a real fighter and user of the system like Wong Shun Leung. A clear system in which (finally!) All parts fit together and result in a logical whole. Instead of nebulous empty words, finally a clear understanding of the Ving Tsun system and its training methods. In addition to the in-depth knowledge, he was also convinced by the practicality and applicability in combat.
Since 2011 he has been passionately dedicated to spreading this style.
The Ving Tsun School in Horgen is an official member of the VTKFAE.
The emergence of the Ving Tsun Kung Fu Association Europe is inextricably linked with the biography of its founder Philipp Bayer. In 1983, Philipp Bayer officially founded the Ving Tsun Kung Fu Association Europe (VTKFAE) and thus tried to inform the public about traditional Ving Tsun. Seminars with Philipp Bayer take place regularly all over Europe.
The schools of the VTKFAE convey Ving Tsun Without the bit by bit information sales usual in the scene and the associated fees (exams, "sections", parts of the forms, compulsory courses, etc.). The student pays an annual or half-yearly fee in which all contents of the Ving Tsun are included. In the VTKFAE, the material is individually adapted to the receptivity and the training diligence of the respective student conveyed. Usually after about For 3 - 5 years the student has "seen" the whole system, knows where the journey is going and begins to perfect the training content.
With other associations (especially the "big ones" are notorious) this phase is well and happily 20 to 30 years stretched!
Ving Tsun can only work if it is trained correctly!